Make a Claim

Need to make a claim? At Plus Sure, we realise that the prospect of any unforeseen lose or tragedy is enough to deal with. You don't need to be spending unnecessary amount of time sorting out claims and cutting through red tape.

That's why the guide below will help you through making your claim and receiving compensation as efficiently as possible:

  • Notify us of your claim by contacting a consultant on 087 285 5391 or by emailing –

  • Provide us with the applicable supporting documentation. (These might include written details of the event, particulars of other insurance policies covering the event, proofs and declarations, and/or documents received or made in connection with any claim).

  • Send via email or fax.

  • Have your claim processed and be advised on the how and when your claim will be settled.

  • Feel content that you've made the right decision by going with Plus Sure.

We're never going to leave you alone when making a claim, and our consultants will always be on hand to guide you through the process. To do this, however we'll need you to notify us as soon as is reasonably possible (48 hours for theft, loss or malicious damages. 30 days for everything else) that a claim will be made. In the case of theft, loss of or malicious damage to insured property or items, you will also have to notify the police as soon as you can.

We also require you do not make any promises, payments or offers to others involved in the claim, unless you have spoken to and been guided by our consultants. It's just to make sure your claim can move smoothly along.

The insurer will also step in and conduct the defence or settlement of the claim, representing you if the claim gets sticky and complicated.

Plus Sure is committed to getting your claim processed and sorted as quickly as possible, but we also ask you help us in doing so by cooperating fully and providing us with all the necessary details and documentation. It will also help to be in contact with your Plus Sure consultant as regularly as possible.

Change Your Details

Moved house or changed your mobile number? Update your details by:

  • Emailing your Plus Sure consultant or calling 087 285 5391

Change your policy

Want to change your policy? Plus Sure recognises that your needs will change with time, and so should your policy. Change your policy by:

  • Emailing or calling 087 285 5391

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